Easy 1 project of Tinasoft Vietnam

Tinasoft Vietnam is proud to have successfully deployed the Easy 1 project with full features of optimal management software. With Tinasoft’s high-quality management software and services, we have received very positive feedback from customers. Therefore, we would like to introduce the Easy 1 project to businesses who want to implement it.
Introducing the project
1. Project implementation model
Tinasoft implemented the Easy1 project as an Agile Scrum model with a professional staff of 17 people, including 1 PM, 1 Scrum Master, 2 BAs, 1 Test Lead, 3 Testers, 4 BEs, 4 FEs. , 2 Designers.
2. Easy 1 project description
Tinasoft’s Easy 1 project uses the most modern technologies such as Nest Js, ReactJs, AWS, S3, Postgres DB, MQTT, K8S, Docker, and ElasticSearch… with outstanding features such as:
Software for managing companies, branches, departments, positions, and personnel
Manage Order Flow, create, deliver, receive, process, and take care of the company’s customers
Integrate statistics and reports on personnel and order data
Manage services and service packages within the company
Managing Product Purchasing and Selling within the Company, importing and exporting products using Excel
Warehouse Import and Export Management
With the above superior features, businesses will minimize costs in management and statistics, thereby helping companies to optimize their production and business processes. Please get in touch with Tinasoft Vietnam Get a free consultation now on building management software specifically for your business.