Setting Up an Offshore Development Center: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s globalized business environment, setting up an offshore development center (ODC) has become a strategic move for many companies looking to enhance their operational efficiency and reduce costs. An offshore development center provides businesses with access to a global talent pool and offers scalability, making it an attractive option for software development. This comprehensive guide aims to walk you through the essential steps and considerations for establishing an offshore development center, incorporating Agile software development outsourcing for optimal results. Understanding Offshore Development Centers An offshore development center (ODC) is a dedicated team located in a different country, responsible for handling a company’s software development tasks. The primary benefits of an ODC include significant cost savings, access to a diverse and skilled workforce, and the ability to scale operations quickly. Unlike traditional outsourcing, where projects are handed over to third-party vendors, an ODC functions as an extension of the parent company, ensuring better control and alignment with business objectives. Planning and Strategy Successful establishment of an offshore development center begins with thorough planning and strategy. Start by clearly defining your business goals and objectives. Identify the specific outcomes you expect from the ODC, such as cost reduction, faster time-to-market, or ...

offshore development center

In today’s globalized business environment, setting up an offshore development center (ODC) has become a strategic move for many companies looking to enhance their operational efficiency and reduce costs. An offshore development center provides businesses with access to a global talent pool and offers scalability, making it an attractive option for software development. This comprehensive guide aims to walk you through the essential steps and considerations for establishing an offshore development center, incorporating Agile software development outsourcing for optimal results.

Understanding Offshore Development Centers

An offshore development center (ODC) is a dedicated team located in a different country, responsible for handling a company’s software development tasks. The primary benefits of an ODC include significant cost savings, access to a diverse and skilled workforce, and the ability to scale operations quickly. Unlike traditional outsourcing, where projects are handed over to third-party vendors, an ODC functions as an extension of the parent company, ensuring better control and alignment with business objectives.

Offshore Development Center

Planning and Strategy

Successful establishment of an offshore development center begins with thorough planning and strategy. Start by clearly defining your business goals and objectives. Identify the specific outcomes you expect from the ODC, such as cost reduction, faster time-to-market, or access to specialized skills.

Selecting the right location is crucial. Consider factors like the availability of skilled talent, cost of living, political stability, and language proficiency. Countries like India, Vietnam, and Ukraine are popular choices due to their strong IT workforce and favorable business environments.

A robust strategy is essential for integrating the ODC seamlessly with the parent company. This includes aligning workflows, establishing communication protocols, and setting performance benchmarks.

offshore development

Establishing the Offshore Development Center

Setting up an ODC involves navigating various legal and regulatory considerations. Ensure compliance with local laws, tax regulations, and employment standards. It may be beneficial to consult with legal experts who specialize in international business.

Infrastructure setup is another critical step. Secure office space, equip it with the necessary technology and tools, and establish a reliable IT infrastructure to support your operations.

Hiring and onboarding skilled professionals is key to the success of your ODC. Focus on attracting top talent by offering competitive salaries, benefits, and opportunities for professional growth. Implement a comprehensive onboarding process to integrate new hires smoothly into your team.

Offshore Development Center

Implementing Agile Software Development Outsourcing

Agile software development outsourcing is a methodology that emphasizes iterative progress, collaboration, and flexibility. Integrating Agile practices into your ODC can significantly enhance productivity and responsiveness.

Agile involves specific roles such as the Scrum Master, who facilitates the process, and the Product Owner, who defines the product vision and priorities. The development team works in sprints, delivering incremental improvements and adapting to feedback continuously.

By adopting Agile, your ODC can quickly respond to changes, deliver high-quality software, and ensure that development efforts are closely aligned with business needs.

Managing and Scaling the Offshore Development Center

Effective communication and collaboration are vital for managing an ODC. Utilize communication tools, regular meetings, and collaborative platforms to maintain transparency and coherence between the onshore and offshore teams.

Performance monitoring is crucial for continuous improvement. Implement key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that the ODC meets its objectives.

As your business grows, you may need to scale your ODC operations. This involves expanding your team, diversifying skill sets, and enhancing your infrastructure to accommodate increased workloads.


Setting up an offshore development center can be a game-changer for your business, offering cost savings, access to global talent, and scalability. By following this comprehensive guide and incorporating Agile software development outsourcing, you can create a robust and efficient ODC that drives growth and innovation. Consider this strategic approach to achieve your business goals and stay competitive in today’s dynamic market.


Offshore Development CenterSoftware development Outsourcing