Tinasoft offers Internet of Things (IoT) courses for businesses
We understand that every business has professional issues Internet of Things. Therefore, separate training programs to optimize efficiency are extremely necessary. These programs will serve the long-term goals of the organization’s business. Therefore, a training organization needs to meet all the requirements that businesses want. TINASOFT provides customized courses for businesses in order. We have a team of lecturers who are experts with many years of experience in the field of training, as well as lecturers from major universities such as Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology.
The IoT Kit for “Building an IoT System ” training course for businesses
Learn offline at Tinasoft
The basic and advanced IoT courses are designed follows the request of businesses. The training time for each course is 5 days. Each training session will last 8 hours (except for a 1-hour lunch break and 20-minute tea break per session). The location of the course is at Tinasoft Vietnam office, Room 1405, Elipse Tower, 110 Tran Phu street, Ha Dong district, Hanoi, Vietnam
This course including Python, C/C++ embedded programming training on Arduino and Raspberry Pi – building IoT for businesses with 10 modules and 80 hours of practice, covered a lot of content from basic programming to advanced programming to handle the ability of learners.
The details of 02 “Building Internet of Things system” courses are:
The 5 days basic IoT course:
- C/C++ Basic on Arduino ( ESP8266 Module)
- Python Basic on Raspberry Pi3
- MySQL Basic + Python MQTT Basic
- HTML Basic, NodeJS Basic
- Node JS Visualization + Control Devices
2. The 5 days advanced IoT course:
- Node JS + Advanced multiple room
- Openhab Basic +Application Advanced
- Voice controlling; Send warning notification to devices
- Python + Machine LearningSmarthome: Face recognition, voice security.
We are the leading partner of Samsung Vietnam at training in building IoT systems for businesses, to help employees understand and apply new technology for building smart factories.
You are welcome to leave your email or registered phone number. We will advise you in detail. The success of your business will be our pleasure.
Please contact us if you have any questions!
Contact us:
Website: http://demo.tinasoft.vn
Hotline: 0983811938